I thought I would dedicate a blog to Kiley. Kiley is someone I met right after Sean and I got married, so that would be 2002. I was scared to meet her, because Matt (our friend-Sean went to High School with) talked her up so much..I was intimidated. From the minute we met..we just clicked. Kiley is one of the most loyal, giving,happy,optomisic people I think I know. Not to mention she has the best laugh EVER! So here's to you Kiley..I love you..I miss you lots, and I wish we could see eachother more, but I think about you all the time!!
Awwww... how sweet. I have my bestest too. I just wish she was closer. :)
Wow! Thank You so much for the dedication. I am glad we finally met, we have had so many good times. I miss you so much too, and think about you daily. I miss just hanging out and talking the most. Remember Halloween at the Winchester Mystery house? We laughed so hard, we should of peed. Thank goodness we didn't! Ha Ha!
Thank you for the kind words, they made me smile and my heart warm.
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