Wednesday, April 9, 2008


So Kaihla is really evolving into a little girl with a BIG personality. She is 10 months old already..geez. She's saying Mama, Dada, Baba, Uh-oh, and A-boo (Peek-a-boo). BUT her cutest and newest word is bye-bye. She has the highest-pitched, softest sounding little voice. She waves her hand at the wrist and says bye-bye...frickin' adorable. She eats anything and everything. As long as she can feed herself, she'll eat it. You try to feed might just end up on the floor, or in her hair..or all over your face. Miss independent. Anytime she's not where I left her she's doing 1 of things. 1. Going up the stairs. 2. Getting into the Tupperware drawer. 3. Splashing around in the dog water.
Shad's latest is that.....he pooped in the potty!!!! Yay!! We were so excited. He got "that look" so Sean rushed him onto the toilet..he cried..then plop! He was super excited, and got 2 chocolate chips! He loved that. He hasn't done it since, but at least he knows he can. He has also really gotten into puzzles. We bought him a 32-piece Diego puzzle, and he did it by himself (well almost..we prompted-but he put everything together) He's talking up a storm, and singing..he knows the whole ABC's song, twinkle-twinkle, I'm a little teapot, Pop goes the weasel, Little Einsteins song, and he tries to sing along with about everything else. Kaihla dances to the music, while Shad sings. She LOVES music.
We're getting ready to leave for Arizona on Saturday to visit Patrick and his fiance Rachel. This will be Kaihla's first plane trip. We're pretty excited to go, it should be a lot of fun. Well, I'll post some pics when we get back :-)


Marni's Organized Mess said...

Have fun!! Oh and you forgot getting into the cords... or is she through that phase? :-P

I'll be sending you safe and happy travel thoughts. :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good weekend in Arizona.