Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The joys of being sick together
I was informed that I need to update my blog. So here we have it.
Life has been weird the last week. Sean and I were getting Shad ready for bed last week, and we noticed that his legs-from his knee to his foot-was angled really weirdly. His knees, super knobby, and his legs looked almost broken. We have both noticed this before, but just thought he was skinny, so we paid no attention. For some reason, it struck us both in a bad way, so off to the Doctor we went. It turns out, he has flat feet. That's what makes his legs look that way..BUT he is also SUPER skinny. The doctor was concerned because he's gained like 1lb in a year or so...he's growing in height, but not weight. So although he hasn't dropped off the curve..he's hovering around the 7-10%. So she ordered blood work to see if there was something wrong with him that was preventing him from gaining weight. A child that is deemed 'failure to thrive' is in the 5% or under, so he's not there yet, but because he's tall (80%) it kinda pushes him lower on the curve. Oh, and during the visit, she checked his ears, and he has an ear-infection, along with the cold he has...she also checked Kaihla's ears..ya..ear infection too (and cold) No wonder our house hasn't been sleeping this week!
The blood work was horrible. We had to pin him down, screaming, so they could take his blood from his arm. He didn't understand what was going on...he was in a crappy mood to begin with...needless to say this made things worse. I just held him and told him he was doing a great job...then they had to do the other arm because the needle slipped out! Ugh, another poke. By this time, everyone in the lab at Kaiser was with us..I think there was 5 or 6 people with us. Anyway, they tested him for tons of stuff..from Leukemia to Lead Poison, Thyroid, some blood disorders...Sean and I were really worried. I was talking to my mom later that night, she asked how I handled it..I said I really didn't feel like I had a choice..I was calm, positive, and tried to make it fun. Then it hit me..I kinda lost it for a minute. I knew they had to test for everything..but when your baby gets tested for Leukemia..it's scary. Good news is that everything came back normal...and I got the results the next morning!! SO now we're just trying to figure out why he's so darn skinny! My doctor is talking with some other Pediatricians and will hopefully get back with us shortly
So that's been our life the last week...oh, and Kaihla got thrush from the antibiotics she was taking for her ear-infection...but she's OK :-)


Anonymous said...

I am so glad that everything turned out okay with Shad's bloodwork. I am sure that you were both so nervous. I hope the kids are feeling better real soon! give them hugs from me and Matt.

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Wow. Props to you for hanging in and keeping it together. My thoughts are with you.

-> You might also try ENSURE, there's a weight gain one and William drinks it almost on a daily basis. My gramma (in TN) helps a child who can no longer eat solids and he drinks a ton of that and soy/smoothie shakes.

He'll think it's a treat and it's LOADED with good stuff.

Just an idea.

If there's anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask.

Kimberly Dunn said...

Poor babies! Shadwic looks miserable. Hugs and distant kisses from Auntie ~ XOXO