Today at work, I got the best compliment from a patient, and I don't even think he knew it. As I walked out from the Dr.'s office, he said.."Didn't you have 2 kids?" and I said "Ya! I have a 2 year old and a 10 month old". He said, "boy you don't look like it" And that's all. This was not a pick up..just an observation by this guy. I was beaming to hear this! So I took a few pics of myself to post just what he was looking at! HA! I've been working hard on losing weight, and I can actually see a difference lately. I feel tighter, and I have more muscle definition. But to have a stranger say that to me...THAT is the compliment I've been working for.

I can't believe you dress like that at work!@? You hussy! No wonder he was hot for you!
(just kidding)
You look great! You should be proud of yourself! YOU'RE ONE HOT MAMA!
CONGRATS!! You do look awesome!!
HOT Mamma!
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