Monday, March 17, 2008

We're here

So after several of my friends introduced me to this blog thing, I thought I might give it a try. So where to begin. What do I have to say that people might want to hear? What a strange question. Well here it goes..
This year Sean and I will be celebrating our 6-year wedding anniversary. It's so hard to believe that it's been that long, yet it seems like ages ago at the same time. It's amazing that I still love him more each day. We are always learning more about each other, and life...together. That's always been our 'thing'. We do EVERYTHING together. And it's not like we can't function by ourselves...It's that we truly enjoy each other that much! What a great feeling. I really do feel blessed to have found him.
Our fisrt born, Shadwic, will be 2 1/2 next month. I don't see how that's even possible..but I did the math..he is.. This kid is a WIZ at puzzles! Any puzzle I've given him..he can put together. It's crazy how focused he gets. Still loves trains and cars, and he has since he was like 9 months old. He'll talk your ear off if you let him. I swear he has the vocabulary of a 5-year old. He loves his sister to death and is the sweetest little boy around.
Our precious little girl, Kaihla is 9 months now. She is trouble. Into everything! Her hobbies include: eating, clapping, pulling on any type of cord around the house, climbing up on anything possible, chewing on dog toys, opening and closing doors, chasing the doggie, getting into dog water, chewing on her brothers toys,kicking,laughing,and being quite possibly the cutest thing in the universe. She is SO happy..all the time. Just love her..
Lakeha is our doggie. She's been a bit lonely since her buddy left us in June. She is still happy and the best dog we could ask for. She doesn't seem to mind Kaihla chasing her around too much. Lakeha loves to play ball, and run around the house!
Oh, and ME!
I'm going to be 29 this year! WOW! I can honestly say that I love my life. I have a great husband and family, and wonderful friends. My goal for this year, 2008 is to make create some hobbies for myself. It's been hard the last 2 1/2 years,..I've had babies the whole time. And now that they're older, I think it's time I do something I like. I used to play softball..but I don't think that's really what I need. So my challenge is to find something I enjoy! Sean and I have been running a lot lately, and we're thinking of doing a half marathon sometime soon.


Marni's Organized Mess said...

Go you and welcome to the blog world!

Anonymous said...

Well, it is about time!

Watch out, you will be addicted in no time.
Luv the pics.
