Friday, March 28, 2008

On losing weight

I have been working my ass of trying to lose weight/get in shape. Sean and I (and the kids) have been going on runs EVERY day, for the last 3 weeks. We started out doing like 25-30 minutes, and about 2.5 miles. Now we're up to like 40-45 minutes, and 3.5 or more pushing 2 kids in a jogging stroller. It's been tough..thank god for my husband. He'll put in 14 hour days, and still go on a run with me after work..what a guy! I just hope like hell that I'm actually losing weight. We do weekly weigh-in's (Sean and I) It gives me the pressure to show off my hard work(or lack there of), kinda like weight watchers. Anyway, the first week I lost 2lbs, then last week we didn't do because we were at my Dad's for Easter, so I'm anxious/scared to see what this week will tell. I feel like my body is getting a little tighter, I did go down a notch in my belt, so that must mean something right? I wish this was something I never had to worry about, that I was just born naturally skinny, and after each kid could bounce back right away looking like I did before..but no, not me..I get to struggle with each pound. Oh well, It actually has been pretty fun going out as a family..the kids do so great on our runs..Shad is my little supporter. The other day I went on a run with just the kids (Sean had to work late) and when we were done he said, "Good running mommy!" Ah, he's the greatest. So wish me luck, my weigh in is Sunday morning, hopefully I'll have some good news to post!


Anonymous said...

You are not alone girl! Keep up the good work!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Best of luck mama!

Kimberly Dunn said...

You rock! Shad is so cute - now give Kaihla some pom-poms and you've got yourself a cheering squad! Good luck this morning!