So this is a little late, but we've been out of town for a week...more on that later...
Our little girl has turned One. Time sure has flown by. What a year it's been. She has brought more joy to our home than I thought was ever possible. What a BIG personality she has!
I thought I would offer a little information on her birth.
The day before my due date, I had a doctor appointment. At that visit, we determined I was about 4-4.5 centimeters dilated..we were ready..just needed something to push us over the top. I had been at 3cm for a couple weeks. We walked, and walked did everything we thought would help us along. Finally about 10:00pm on June 6th, I started getting contractions..they weren't really painful, but pretty consist ant. I tried to sleep in between them, until about 12:00. Then they started to hurt a little. I was very hesitant to go to the hospital, because we had Shad, and my grandma was going to come watch him. The last thing I wanted was her to come in the middle of the night for nothing. So I think it was around 1:30am, I decided we should go to the hospital..they were starting to hurt pretty good. By the time we got there..I was in A LOT of pain. By this time it was about 2:30am. They admitted me and said I could go walk around. I really wanted them to check me to see where I was..reluctantly they did..and I was at 6! Yay! We walked a bit, and then took a shower..that felt nice. Sat on the big bouncy ball. They checked me again at like 4:00 and I was at 8. Now it really hurt. Luckily my contractions were not that long..they probably lasted about 30sec. So the nurses thought that they probably weren't doing that much since they weren't lasting that long. She checked me again, and I was at a 9. I immediately got scared..now I REALLY wasn't doing this with any drugs! She asked me if they could break my water, since it didn't on it's own. They did...I stayed at 9 for what seemed like forever..although it probably wasn't that long. I finally got the urge to push..I was almost 10..and they wanted me to wait until I was a 'complete' 10. I told them that wasn't going to happen..I needed to push. So push I did..then they said to stop again. The Midwife got there and explained that I could probably get her out in 1 or 2 pushes, but she didn't want me to tear (I tore REALLY bad with Shad) I was only allowed to push a little bit, then breathe thru the rest. That was extremely hard. Everything in my body wanted this baby OUT...NOW...I made lots of grunting, panting and lovely noises at the Midwifes request so I wouldn't push her with as much force. When she finally came out..it was total relief...no more pain at all. Just a beautiful baby girl with tons of black hair laid upon my chest. By far, the proudest moment in my life. Natural childbirth is something that is so special, I could never fully explain. The birth of Shadwic was amazing in on a different level. I had an epidural with him..pushing seemed so, so, so different. With Kaihla, I was just doing what my body wanted to do.
Happy Birthday to my baby girl. I love you more each and every day!
Thank you both, for allowing me to be a part of your very special and intimate day. I will never forget it!
It will always be one of my fondest memories- I love you Kaihla!
My Gosh! I have to quit doing that! That was my comment above! Obviously Nolan was not in the delivery room. Darn kids - Stay off my computer....ha ha! I'm sure it will only get worse from here right? Pretty soon they'll be wanting my car or cell phone. And the girls will be wanting to borrow my clothes, jewelry and make up. KIds! Gotta love em.
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