Sunday, July 26, 2009


4th of July weekend we spent in Sacramento with my Dad and Carolyn. The day before the 4th, they took us to Funderland. It's a little kids amusement park in Sac..pretty cool, a little old, but that didn't matter one bit to the kids! They had a ton of fun, and were toally wiped out by the time we left! My dad and Kaihla walking to Funderland

Oh no! Our kids turned into Rattlesnakes!!

Shad AND Kaihla were big enough to ride the rides without us!! This was their first ride, the airplanes. Shad chose one that was broken, it didn't go up and down, but they had fun still!

Kaihla wanted to ride the dragon roller coaster. Shad wanted to also, until he saw it go..then he chickened out...not my girl though!! She was raring to go! AND had SO much fun!!

Kaihla on the carousel..waiting for it to go, she looks a little bored..but once it started she was all smiles! This one went SO fast..Sean and I were really surprised, but Miss Daredevil sure didn't mind!

I think this was the kids' favorite! A little Octopus with fish tentacles! It just went up and down while going around in a circle, but both were laughing the entire time!

They had a train that went around the whole park..another ride the kids did together without us!! Geez, they're growing up so fast!

And they each got to drive their own car!! You can click on the picture to make it a bit bigger, but again, they loved it! Thanks for the great time Grandma and Papa!!!

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