Sunday, July 26, 2009
4th of July weekend we spent in Sacramento with my Dad and Carolyn. The day before the 4th, they took us to Funderland. It's a little kids amusement park in Sac..pretty cool, a little old, but that didn't matter one bit to the kids! They had a ton of fun, and were toally wiped out by the time we left!
My dad and Kaihla walking to Funderland
Oh no! Our kids turned into Rattlesnakes!!
Shad AND Kaihla were big enough to ride the rides without us!! This was their first ride, the airplanes. Shad chose one that was broken, it didn't go up and down, but they had fun still!
Kaihla wanted to ride the dragon roller coaster. Shad wanted to also, until he saw it go..then he chickened out...not my girl though!! She was raring to go! AND had SO much fun!!
Kaihla on the carousel..waiting for it to go, she looks a little bored..but once it started she was all smiles! This one went SO fast..Sean and I were really surprised, but Miss Daredevil sure didn't mind!
Summer nights
A few weeks ago we had a heat spell. So that meant warm nights...ahhh..I love it!! These were taken around 7:00, it was still about 80 outside..L-O-V-E IT!! The kids enjoyed their first taste of fudgsicle's! They weren't too thrilled with them after about 3 minutes, but they loved them for 3 minutes!!
Shad's first movie!!!! For Father's Day this year, Sean wanted to take Shad to see a movie. He was so excited to go, not only to see a movie, but he got to skip his nap!! Shad was so good during the movie..watched the whole thing, and loved it!!! He still talks about how he went to the movies and didn't have to nap!
Watching the movie with his popcorn!
Shad's suprise
Shad had a problem of getting into the DVD's whenever he wanted. This has now become Kaihla's problem, but that's another story. Well, he decided (on his own) that he wanted to watch Monsters Inc. He got it out and started to take the DVD out of the case..well apparently it was in there a little more than he thought, and he broke the DVD right in half. He was devastated. Not only was he in trouble for getting the movie by himself and taking it out (which he knows he's not suppose to do) But he was SO sad that he wouldn't be able to watch the movie. Later that night when Sean got home, I had Shad tell him the whole story. Shad wasn't happy about re-living it, but he finally told Sean the story of what happened, and said that we could use his money from his piggy bank to buy a new one!! I thought that was the sweetest gesture ever! The next day Sean was talking to his mom, and told her the story...She also thought that was the sweetest thing ever and surprised Shad by sending him not one, but 2 movies in the mail. A new Monsters Inc. and a cool Thomas movie where he get's lost in the forrest! Shad was SO,SO,SO excited when he opened his package!! I had to take some pictures!
Checkin' them out...
Spa Day
I won a free spa day at the Sonoma Fairmont a couple months ago! It included brunch, a 1-hour massage, $75 food and beverage credit at the poolside grill, and use of all the facilities. I took 2 of my friends and we had an awesome day at the spa!! The brunch was amazing..always nice to stuff your face, then spend the rest of the day in a bathing suit! HA!
Kelli's Bday
A night on the town!! Woo Hoo!!! My friend Kelli celebrated her birthday with wine tasting and a night out in Sonoma! I had so much fun!!! We went wine tasting at Cornerstone Gardens in Sonoma, then had dinner & drinks. I was able to meet some of her friends who I loved! and it was a much needed night out! Thanks for having a birthday Kelli!!!
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