Thursday, December 18, 2008


A dedication to the 2 people that care for our kids:
To say that I am lucky to have my family is an understatement. I truly have the best, most wonderful, supportive, caring family I could ever ask for. My mom, and my grandma are what make my family, my family. My mom: She's the one I can call literally 15 times a day and it doesn't seem to bother her. I can tell her anything and she will give me her best shot at an un-biased opinion, she'll bring me soup when I'm sick, go our of her way to help me when I really need it Oh, and did I mention, she watches Shad and Kaihla every week. I am so, so thankful to have such a great caring mom, who spreads her good-ness to my kids every week. They love their Grandma so much!
Kaihla, Grandma, and Shad
Shad and Grandma have a very special bond. It's pretty obvious in this picture.

Kai loves her grandma too. Such lucky Kiddos.

My Grandma..where could I possibly begin. I don't think that I have ever known, nor will I ever meet someone that is as self-less and giving as my grandma. My grandma always has an answer for everything, or an opinion if I'm looking for one. She continuously goes out of her way for people with out ever looking for what she get's back. She inspires me to be a better person, to be a thoughtful person, a giving person, and a loving person. She inspires me to be like that, because she is like that. She's tough when she needs to be, and loving when she needs to be. Oh, and did I mention that she watches Shad and Kaihla also!! Grandma (or as the kids call her "GG") comes to my house every Tuesday and every other Thursday to pick the kids up..drops Shad off at preschool, picks him up and brings them back to her house. AND she's the one that offered to do it. I'm so glad that my kids get a chance to be with her, learn from her and be spoiled by her! How cool to have your Great-grandma watch you!?
Papa Ron, GG, Shad and Kai

Shad loves GG

Kaihla and GG (or as she now calls her Geeg)!

I am so thankful that my mom and grandma are able to watch the kids while Sean and I work. I don't think they will every really understand how much it means to us. So Thank you Mom and Grandma for being great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the wonderful things said, we are blessed to have the family we do, I appreciate it, and am greatful every day, it is however easy to be giving to my kids (Tammi & Sean, and Jamie) and Shad & Kaihla when they are the people they are.