Monday, July 14, 2008
Fourth of July 2008. We watched the fireworks in Windsor this year, and while driving around, we ran into some friends that had the best spot ever to watch fireworks. We invited some other friends to come watch with us, and we had a great time. There were lots of kids, and they all had so much fun. We watched them right behind where they were being shot off. 
Kaihla watching the fireworks with Daddy

What a big girl in that big chair!
Shad has a new girlfriend, Gracie. We caught them kissing. I guess that's what the 4th of July is all about right?!
Shad watching fireworks with friends
After each one went off they would all yell, scream and point at the fireworks. At some point there must have been a purple one, because they were shouting "purple" after almost each firework!
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Well! Girlfriend huh? I refuse to show these photos to Haidyn. Even though they are cousins, she will be madly jealous. She truly believes Shad's heart belongs to her - forever!
Have you heard of American Girl dolls? Don't know what the hype is - Ashlee all of the sudden wants one. Can you say?...Rip off? Anyways, we were looking through the catalog and saw the little blonde twins. I almost peed my pants -they look just like Shad and Haidyn! Too freakin' cute! I almost want them just to freeze our babies in time. Awweeee, it makes me sad that they are getting so big.
Check em out!
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